사진 속 커넥트
주제말씀: 마태복음28장
19 그러므로너희는가서모든민족을제자로삼아아버지와아들과성령의이름으로세례를베풀고
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 내가너희에게분부한모든것을가르쳐지키게하라볼지어다내가세상끝날까지너희와항상함께있으리라하시니라 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.목적: 1. 하나님을경험하라(Experience of God) 2. 나를만나라(Know who you are in Christ)
3. 복음을선포하라(The spread of the Gospel) 4. 지경을넓혀라(Expend of your horizons)
일정: 2018년7월30일– 7월4일
장소: Ontario 북쪽Menitolin Island에있는 Mindemoya 지역(Near Sudbury)
회비: 일인150불 (4박5일), 차량은교회별로이동하며, 카풀도가능함(지원팀담당)
- 원주민아이들을위한VBS(Vacation Bible School)
- 원주민마을주민을위한One Day Camp
- Mindemoya United Church (Rev. Joshua Kang) 중심으로백인들에게복음전파
- Mindemoya United Church 성도가정또는병원, 양로원등방문하여예배사역
- Mindemoya 지역축호전도및노방전도
- 원주민과마을주민들을초청매일밤찬양과말씀집회그리고Korean Night 축제등
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