교회 소식
◈ 2016 Christmas Festival/Concert Agenda ◈
1. Purpose
- To remember and remind what is real meaning of Christmas.
- To share our Christmas to those who don’t know what is all about ‘Christmas’.
- Connect with God as we preparation for this concert and festival.
- Connect with You and Me as we make together this Christmas event.
- Connect with People for God’s kingdom as we invited family, friends and our neighbors.
2. Strategy
- Working together to make more synergy with Toronto Connect Church and Stone Church young adult and youth group
- To equipping our talents through this event and developing our passion and heart for God.
- Working together to show more people. Especially, English Event can also invited any people (inter cultural event)
3. Date and Time: 2016. Dec. 23rd Friday 7pm
4. Place: Stone Church main hull.
* 45 Davenport Rd. Toronto M5R1H2 * Tel: Tel: 416-928-0101 Fax: 416-928-0455
5. Targeting: anyone and anybody
6. People: 100 – 150
7. Program:
- Message 10min.
- Video clip 5min about Christmas
- Video clip 5min invitation our church
- Worship Dance 2 songs – 7 min
- Christmas songs – choir (young adults) 2 songs – 7 min
- 판타스틱 듀오
- Flute Duet
- Skit drama
- Special guest – 강여진 전도사(부활의 교회)
- Appreciation and Announcement
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