교회 소식



◈ 2016 Christmas Festival/Concert Agenda ◈

1. Purpose

- To remember and remind what is real meaning of Christmas.

- To share our Christmas to those who don’t know what is all about ‘Christmas’.

- Connect with God as we preparation for this concert and festival.

- Connect with You and Me as we make together this Christmas event.

- Connect with People for God’s kingdom as we invited family, friends and our neighbors.

2. Strategy

- Working together to make more synergy with Toronto Connect Church and Stone Church young adult and youth group

- To equipping our talents through this event and developing our passion and heart for God.

- Working together to show more people. Especially, English Event can also invited any people (inter cultural event)

3. Date and Time: 2016. Dec. 23rd Friday 7pm

4. Place: Stone Church main hull.

* 45 Davenport Rd. Toronto M5R1H2 * Tel: Tel: 416-928-0101 Fax: 416-928-0455

5. Targeting: anyone and anybody

6. People: 100 – 150  

7. Program:

- Message 10min.

- Video clip 5min about Christmas

- Video clip 5min invitation our church

- Worship Dance 2 songs – 7 min

- Christmas songs – choir (young adults) 2 songs – 7 min

- 판타스틱 듀오

- Flute Duet 

- Skit drama 

- Special guest – 강여진 전도사(부활의 교회)

- Appreciation and Announcement  


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오시는 길Direction
One block north of Yonge and Bloor subway station and Bay subway stations.
Yonge and Bloor 전철역 또는 Bay 전철역에서 한 블럭 북쪽으로 오시면 Davenport를 만나 45번지를 찾으면 됩니다.

주차 안내Free Underground Parking
Available for almost all events, enter off Scollard Street. Just push the green button on the control panel.
40 Scollard St. 아파트 지하 주차장 입구 판넬의 녹색 버튼을 누르시면 됩니다.
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Youtube에서 ‘토론토 커넥트 교회’ 채널을 통해 보실수 있습니다. 또한 짦은 메세지, 시리즈 말씀, 특별찬양과 영상등은 ‘Connectube’를 유튜브에서 검색하셔서 구독해주시면 쉽게 보실수 있습니다.